Let there be Kindle in Canada

When it comes to finding the right Kindle in Canada, the options are quite limited compared to US and even some other parts of the world. Still the fans of Amazon’s e-readers are getting the device that does all the things right. Compared to other tablet devices in the market, Kindle offers a unique experience for its users. More importantly, the contents are the selling points for all the devices in this category and Amazon just plainly wins because of its vast collection. However, the benefits are quite limited to those who actually use Kindle in Canada. Entertainment enthusiasts who are more prone to use all of their devices for playing HD contents may not like the fact that their Kindle Fire HD can’t access Amazon Instant Video from Canada! A Kindle in Canada is basically a device with potential but without the opportunities that their southern siblings enjoy.

There aren’t many options for buying Kindle in Canada either. You can choose between the 7 and 8.9 inch Kindle Fire HD with only Wi-Fi for connecting to the internet. Upper in the valley you will find a 32 GB Kindle Fire HD with 4G LTE capabilities but you will have to talk your wallet into bleeding a hefty $599 to get your hands on it! Those who want something cheaper can go down the road and buy the Kindle Fire for a mere $159. You will be sacrificing the HD display for the budget cut. And while you are at it, the Kindle Basic is yours for a measly $89 CAD. In between lays the Kindle Paperwhite, with a $119 price-tag and a buil-in light which means no more keeping up your partner at night. Not a night-time reader? No worries because this one has been revamped with a 62-percent increase in pixels and a 25 percent increase in contrast to improve readability.

Despite all the options, the lack of content availability is of great concern among potential buyers of Kindle in Canada. Then there are the offers from competitors like Kobo who have the Arc, an Ice Cream Sandwich equipped Android device with access to all the apps in Google Play. Kindle owners have the option for downloading from the Amazon Android app store only. It is only a matter of time before the market becomes either saturated or uninterested in Kindle due to all the other available alternatives. At this point, Amazon better be thinking about getting that license for contents. Visit Kindle Canada for more latest News on eReaders in Canada